Friday, July 20, 2007

Quilting is the Anti-funk

I have been in a little funk for a few days. There is absolutely no reason for this at all. I think some of it is the almost non existent work hours. I do not like working a whole bunch of hours but 15 or so gives a nice balance to my life. It makes me appreciate the hours that I do not work.

So I decided that it is time to start a new quilt. I have a BIG one waiting for machine quilting and it is just too hot to have that all over me. It can wait for cooler weather. I have also been making things for the Craft Fair in December and am a little tired of doing that.

I got a new Quilt Book from the library sale called Confetti In The Corners. It is the same block done in lots of different ways. I am working hard at improving my piecing skills and this looked like a good project for that. I have some very pretty sunflower fabric and decided to just pull colors from my stash to go with that.

I have done 4 blocks and really like this. They are all so incredibly different. I think I will make a 12 block sampler. This looks like a possibility for teaching an intermediate quilt class. I am getting my points to match up well and taking my TIME..something that is need to work on doing more. Slow and steady wins the race.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blue Bird Families

I noticed that our resident blue birds have started a third nest. Last year we got only 2 so she is extra busy I guess. There are 4 lovely blue eggs in it.

I looked out the window and saw this beautiful young bird right on my clothesline. A couple of them stick close to the nest box and the parents do not chase them away. BUT if another blue bird comes out. They are attacked and driven away from the yard.

We have lots of different birds come to the bird bath for a drink. I always think the gold finches look like canaries that have escaped their cage.

I have been busy sewing and just enjoying not working much this summer.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Dreams revisited

We got into horses when my daughter was about 14. She continued riding and showing for several years on our beloved Morgan Joe. Circumstances changed and it became necessary to move on and sell Joe. Years of working, school and life took over and the horses receded into the memory bank. They are posing for a beautiful picture.

Years go by and the opportunity to own her own horse again becomes a reality. He is a beautiful boy to ride and a puppy dog personality on the ground.

Sometimes we have to set our dreams aside for awhile. Some never come back but we can have new ones come along.

We live in a wonderful country thanks to the sacrifices people have been willing to make along the way. It is not a perfect country but there is no place else on earth I would rather life today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Designing a little bag

I have been trying out lots of tote bag, pocketbook and other bags. I am beginning to understand how they are made. I decided to try making a little make up bag. I have some vinyl left over from teaching days and figured I would try that. I am shocked I did not get rid of it. I now know that putting in a zipper is simple.

These went together really fast and will be a BD gift to my stepdaughter. We can just slip them into an envelope with her card and check from her Dad. I am not sure if I will make any to sell.