I have been very unhappy with making labels for all my quilts. No matter what I chose to write with-----it washed out quite a bit on the first washing. I have lusted after an embroidery machine for quite some time. They are quite expensive so I just had not made the purchase.
I went to the Brother website to look again at what was offered. One the Homepage was a really cute machine for $300. It is sold only through Wal-Mart. I looked at all the features and decided it would be perfect for what I want to do....which is mainly labels. Returns would be easy if I did not like it. Just take it to the local Wal-Mart.

It came in the mail and was very easy to learn. I had a little trouble accessing the saved patterns but once I figured that out---was a piece of cake. I could buy some software to download designs off the internet but really have enough in here for what I want to do. I think I will make a new guild name tag also.
I also decided to make a Turning Twenty quilt and use up some of my Fat Quarters. Some of them were not quite big enough so I just added from stash. I am not totally thrilled with this quilt. I like a more complex looking one and not such big patches. I added an applique on one that I felt was just too plain. I doubt I will make another of this pattern. It went off to Afghanistan along with 3 others.

Last week we had a hail storm for a short time. We seldom get these here in Maryland so I ran for my camera. There was also a
rainbow across the street from this crazy 10 minute storm.